Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Living the Dream Overseas with Christine Gritmon Have you had a lifelong dream to live overseas and haven't made that happen yet? Maybe things have gotten in the way like family, jobs, life. My...

It’s Never
Too Late
I hear people say things like “Oh it’s too late to make a change” or “I wanted to do that when I was younger, but it’s too late now.”
Why are 20 and 30 year-olds the only people who are allowed to start something new?
For people who are in their 40’s, 50’s, and beyond, you are uniquely qualified to launch that business, that creative ideas, or that new life. You’ve “been around the block” as they say and your experience builds to give you more discerning intuition on what you need to do.
Sure, maybe we need an extra nap along the way, but it’s TOTALLY DOABLE (as my friend and past business partner, Phyllis Khare, would say).