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173: Living the Dream Overseas with Christine Gritmon

Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart    Living the Dream Overseas with Christine Gritmon   Have you had a lifelong dream to live overseas and haven't made that happen yet? Maybe things have gotten in the way like family, jobs, life. My...

Late Starters Club Podcast
Late Starters Club Podcast

This is the place for inspiration, motivation, and mindset resets. You will walk away ready to take action with practical and informative advice from some of the most amazing “Late Starters” on the planet.

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Content from Athletes

Andrea Vahl
68: Interview with Dierdre Wolownick

68: Interview with Dierdre Wolownick

Living a Full Life an Interview with Dierdre Wolownick Every once in a while you meet someone who just blows you away. Deirdre Wolownick is that type of person. At age 70, she became the oldest woman to climb El Capitain for the second time. She broke her own record...

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49: Interview with Jenny Neale

49: Interview with Jenny Neale

Competing in Midlife an Interview with Jenny Neale Are you a little bit competitive? Yeah. So am I. If you thought that midlife was to late to compete in athletic events, you need to tune into today's episode with my friend Jenny Neale. She started competing and...

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40: Interview with Jeff Korhan

40: Interview with Jeff Korhan

Running a Marathon in Midlife an Interview with Jeff Korhan Is running a marathon on your bucket list? Maybe you haven't gotten to it (yet). Maybe you think you are too busy (it does take a lot of time to train). Or maybe you think running a marathon is something only...

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07: Interview with Lin Bruce

07: Interview with Lin Bruce

Who decides not only to take up the sport of cycling at the age of 60, but also commits to a cross-country bicycle trip after having never ridden more than eight miles? Lin Bruce does, that’s who. In today’s episode, we’re gonna talk about how Lin’s view of getting from point A to point B has changed and what it really takes to find fulfillment in midlife and beyond.

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