Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Living the Dream Overseas with Christine Gritmon Have you had a lifelong dream to live overseas and haven't made that happen yet? Maybe things have gotten in the way like family, jobs, life. My...
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66: Interview with Justin Breen
Creating a Global Company an Interview with Justin Breen What would you do if you were suddenly laid off from a long career in journalism and weren't sure where to turn? Well, if you were Justin Breen, you would start creating a global company connecting entrepreneurs...
46: Interview with Mark Schaefer
Start Writing in Midlife an Interview with Mark Schaefer If you think that midlife is too late to start writing a blog or a book, then you need to listen to today's episode. I interview Mark Schaefer, who hadn't written a single blog post until he was 49 and now he...
43: Interview Jim Fuhs
Becoming an Amazon Influencer an Interview with Jim Fuhs Have you struggled with monetizing your content? Or maybe you just want to fund your Amazon addiction? Then my conversation with Amazon Influencer Jim Fuhs will be enlightening to you. At the age of 54, my...
34: Interview with Barbara Brooks
Age Positivity an Interview with Barbara Brooks Unable to get a job or even a callback at the top of her marketing career, Barbara Brooks recognized that in most instances ageism was playing a role. So she decided to do something about it and went on to found Second...
22: Interview with Jody Milward
Starting a Facebook Ad Agency an Interview with Jody Milward Does it take a private investigator to figure out Facebook ads? Possibly! Find out how accidental entrepreneur Jody Milward got started running a Facebook ads agency and what she does to keep her sanity...
16: Interview with Laura Stack
Launching a Nonprofit an Interview with Laura Stack In this episode, I talk to Laura Stack, who hadn't planned on launching a nonprofit. She had a successful 30-year career as The Productivity-Pro speaking all over the world, but when her son died of suicide due to...