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Ep24 Transcript: How to Manage Facebook and Instagram Ads for Clients – Quick Fix Friday
Andrea Vahl: Hi everyone. It’s your host, Andrea Vahl here, and in today’s episode of Quick Fix Friday, we’re going to dive into how to manage Facebook and Instagram ads for clients.
Intro: Hello Dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
Sponsor Message: But first a word from our sponsor, me.
Have you tried Facebook and Instagram ads and they haven’t worked for you? Or are you not sure how to set your campaigns up in the right way? Or maybe you’ve gotten your ads started and they’re not getting the results you want.
If any of these sound familiar, then you need to join me for my six-week Profitable Ads done with you workshops starting soon. During this workshop, we will meet for six weeks with live training where I will help you get your ads set up in the right way with all the ads optimized correctly. And trust me, the smallest tweaks can make a huge difference in how your ads perform.
I’ll make sure that you get everything set up that we’re getting the results you want, and that you’ve got profitable ads going forward.
You’ll get worksheets, templates, recordings, and plenty of time for Q&A with me. Hope to see you in the workshop. Get all the details at
And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Andrea Vahl: In episode 22, I talked to Jody Milward, who started her business in her forties running ad campaigns for clients.
And I want to give you some tips on how to do this the right way. The biggest point that you need to understand about this is that you are going to run the ads on their ads manager so that the billing goes through them so that they have the ads in their own ads account, and they’re very separate from any other ads you’re managing for other clients. This is actually part of Facebook’s terms that the ads need to be in their own separate ad accounts. So the way you’re going to do this is through three main steps.
Step number one is to connect as a partner to their business manager from your business manager. There are lots of ways to actually connect into an ads account or run ads for clients, but the partner to partner access through the business managers is the best way. Facebook has certain features that are only available when you have your ads account in a business manager that you want to utilize, and having your own business manager allows you to then also have a team of people who could be possibly helping you with the ads.
What you definitely don’t want to do is log in as your client to manage the ads. This is putting the account at risk and is getting more difficult now that Facebook is requiring two factor authentication. And Grandma Mary would agree, it’s not a good idea.
Grandma Mary: Don’t do it. I’m telling you. It’s bad.
Andrea Vahl: The easiest way to do that is to have the client log into their business manager, go into the business settings and click under users and partners, and then they’re going to add you as a partner.
And what you’ll need to give them is your business manager id, which can be found under the business info section In your settings area.
One thing that your client may need to do is set up a business manager. And it’s a very easy process. What they’ll do is just go to and start a business manager from there.
They need to do this step because Facebook is restricting how many business managers people can create. So that needs to come from their end and get that set up and they’re going to put their page and their ad account. Into that business manager so that they all are living under the one umbrella. Once they’ve created the business manager, then they can go in and add you as a partner.
Step number two is to have them give you access to their page, their Instagram account, their ads account, their pixel. Anything else that they might need to give you access to, such as a catalog or something like that.
They are going to do this in the business settings area, and if they don’t see those assets in their business manager to give you access to, then it might be a matter of them needing to pull their Facebook page into the business manager by adding that page in there and maybe also adding their other ads account into the business manager.
If they don’t have an ads account that they have used in the past, then they can go ahead and create an ads account right in the business manager to start fresh.
Step number three is that you are going to then run the ads from their ads manager. So the business manager is just the umbrella that you have that houses, the ads manager, the Facebook page, and things like that.
Once you get into the Ads Manager and log in, after you’ve gotten that access, you’ll then go and set up the ads in that Ads manager according to whatever type of campaign they want to run from there. The good thing is the billing will all be through them. The pixel will all be tied to that Ads Manager so that all the tracking is going to be correct.
You’ll also be able to easily give your client reports by linking to a report that you create in their ads manager, and they should be able to see all that data.
So those are the steps to start running ads for clients. This is a great business to start as a side hustle, as a full-time business or as a supplemental service that you are offering your own clients.
I know I started this business about 13 years ago, running ad campaigns and managing social media for my clients. And now I’m running multimillion-dollar campaigns for clients and managing lots of different ad accounts. So it’s a great business to start and grow and it can lead to all different kinds of amazing places.
Outro: Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at, and let’s turn dreaming into doing.
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