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Ep97 Transcript: 5 Tools and Apps for Selling Event Tickets – Quick Fix Friday
Are you planning an event and aren’t sure how you’re going to sell tickets? We’ll tune in to today’s episode of Quick Fix Friday, where I give you five apps and tools to help you sell event tickets.
Hello Dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
First a word from our sponsor, me.
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And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Putting on an event is an exciting endeavor, but there are a lot of moving parts, the least of which is selling tickets in the first place. If you don’t have a shopping cart system, or if you want something that’s a little more specialized for events then you may be looking around for a tool to help you sell tickets. There are lots of options out there, so I’m going to go over five that I have had some experience with and that I like.
The type of tool you might use also depends a little bit on the type of event you’re going to have. If you’re having a smaller, more intimate event, you may not need things like an app for a schedule or a seating chart or anything like that, or different tiers of ticket prices, so that’s a consideration as well.
First of all, I’ll talk about my favorite tool for events, and that is Eventbrite. And the reason I like Eventbrite is I think it’s easy to use. It also allows you to put tracking codes in there like the Facebook Pixel. So when you are running Facebook ads to your event, you’ll be able to track if those ads are leading to sales.
The other thing I like about an Eventbrite is it isn’t too expensive. You don’t have to have some sort of subscription or anything like that, and you can do special coupon codes, offers special tiers of tickets and things like that.
Another low-cost tool is Reg Fox. Now, I’m not quite as familiar with Reg Fox, but I have used it in the past and I’ve seen lots of reviews and I think it’s a really great option for someone who wants a lower cost tool, but maybe for some reason doesn’t like Eventbrite. If you really just have a very simple event, I like using a very simple tool.
You could even use something just like PayPal. The only problem with PayPal is that sometimes you’re not able to say how many tickets you have left, or people can’t see that. So I actually use my shopping cart system, which is called Thrive Cart. I use that to sell my comedy tickets, and you can set how many tickets you have left and people can see that, which gives them a little bit of scarcity as the tickets start running down and they’re afraid they’re not going to get in on some really sweet comedy.
Then there are a couple of other tools I’d like to recommend, and that is based on if you want things that are a little bit more robust, where you’ve gotta print out name badges. You want an app with the schedule, you want a full event management system and app and checkout system all in one. The two that I have used and been a part of are Whova, W H O V A.
And I will have links to these in the show notes.
That’s a tool that Pod Fest uses, and I really like some of the options they have in there to create little chat rooms and connect with people and message people, and also see a really nice schedule layout.
The other tool I really like is Bizzabo and that is B I Z Z A B O. And that tool also has some really nice schedule features, ways to connect and it’s really geared a little bit more towards larger events though.
So take a look at some of these tools, see what might be right for you, and get out there and start planning that event.
Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at and let’s turn dreaming into doing.
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