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Ep105 Transcript: Get Creative with Your Finances – Top Takeaways from Suzanne Blons
What does it look like to change your finances, to fund your dream? In episode 104, I talked to my friend Suzanne Blons, the Beauty Shaman, and she dove deeper into what she did to really change her finances so that she could move to Ecuador. And focus on one of her businesses. Listen in to this episode of Top Takeaways for more details.
Hello dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
So if you have a big dream and you want to start something new or really lean into something new, listen in to how my friend Suzanne Blons changed her financial situation so that she could do just that.
She was doing two different businesses and really decided she wanted to lean into one, which was the Beauty Shaman. Helping women over 50 really love how they look, but she knew this business wasn’t where it needed to be, and she was going to have to get really creative with her finances. So what did she do?
She did a few different things. She really cut her expenses way down. She moved her kids in with her ex-husband and they were a little older. So that was. Something that was very possible and they have a good relationship, so that’s great. And she moved in with a friend. Now this may not seem a great option for you, but if you want to really fund that dream, you might need to get creative and think about how you can save money in a different way.
The other thing that she did that I love is that she built up savings before she moved to Ecuador so that she knew she could last while that transition was happening. But one thing she didn’t anticipate was the downturn in the economy and she was having an oh shit moment there. So I love in the episode where she talks more about that.
For sure go and listen into that because it’s a great thing that we can all relate to. Sometimes things don’t go the way we thought they would, and we have to again, get creative. But what I love is that she knew that something else was going on with her and it was more related to her own energy. And she ended up working with someone who helped her get unstuck with her own abundance, her own mental space, so that she could allow that money to flow in.
And that is something that I did not expect as an entrepreneur is what a mental game this is and how much we really have wrapped around our money, story, abundance, all of those things so that we can be successful. There’s a lot going on in our brain, and sometimes we have to dive a little deeper and find out what’s happening.
What are you thinking, brain?
I’m thinking that you don’t really deserve success, so I’m going to quietly sabotage you in the background while you think you’re working hard.
So if you are looking to fund a dream of yours, Get creative and really see where you can cut expenses. I guarantee there are places where you can save money that you don’t even realize and it doesn’t take much.
Pretty soon things start building up and you’ve got a nice cushion so that you are able to make a big change or lean into a new venture with a safe feeling. So if you haven’t yet listened to episode 104, definitely go and do that now and let me know what you think.
Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at and let’s turn dreaming into doing.
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