Late Starters Club Podcast
Late Starters Club Podcast

This is the place for inspiration, motivation, and mindset resets. You will walk away ready to take action with practical and informative advice from some of the most amazing “Late Starters” on the planet.

July 14, 2023

Ep124 Transcript: 8 Leadership Books I Love – Quick Fix Friday


Late Starters Club Podcast

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Andrea Vahl: Leaders don’t stop learning. In episode 122, I talked to Lori Bush who took Rodan and Fields to a billion dollar company as the CEO, and one thing that struck me was how much she loved learning. In this episode of Quick Fix Friday, I’m going to dive into eight leadership books that I love.

Hello Dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

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So it’s really hard to pick leadership books because I think that leaders have to develop themselves in so many different ways and learn so many different things that it’s hard to say what’s a leadership book and what is a self-development book. But one thing I want to share is my favorite book that I had when I first started my business, and it is Jack Canfield’s, the Success Principles.

And what I really like about this is that there are just quick little snippets of inspirational things that you can think about and learn as you are developing your business and your life.

One of my favorite books is Influence the Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Chelini, and I think this book really embodies. How people think and really tapping into how people think and the different ways you can connect with people. And sometimes it feels a little bit like voodoo, but I think it’s a great thing to learn.

Another one of my big favorites that my son actually loves too, and he has my copy, is The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, and it really is about having those big visions and big dreams.

I think as a leader you need to have a great mindset, and Carol Dweck’s book Mindset is a really fantastic read and helps you think differently about the way you think.

A lot of my other favorites I have on my Kindle, so I’ll just talk about them. Tony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within I think is so inspirational. Whether or not you’re a Tony Robbins fan, I think you can really get something out of this book. I found it wonderful.

And then there’s any book by John Maxwell. That man is a master and I always get inspired by reading anything he does from small articles to longer books, but his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a great book to start with.

Another favorite author is Brene Brown, and she talks about vulnerability, which I think is a crucial skill in leadership and one that is hard to develop. So her Dare to Lead book is a great way to kick that process off and hopefully find ways that you can be more vulnerable with your team.

Another great book that I read that I think is great for leadership and team management is Crucial Conversations by Joseph Grenny and Carrie Patterson, and I really got to reframe the way I was having conversations and bringing up topics that were hard to talk about in any relationship. But I think that’s most important in team management because a lot of times we’re sweeping things under the rug and people aren’t finding out about things until it’s a little bit too late. So it’s important to bring things up early.

Now this is a list of books that I have read. I know that there are tons of books out there. I love reading and learning, and so these are some of my favorites that I’m sharing with you. If you have some favorites, I would love to hear about them. Just put those in the comments or, reply back. I’d love to hear from you.

Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at and let’s turn dreaming into doing.

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Late Starters Club Podcast

This is the place for inspiration, motivation, and mindset resets. You will walk away ready to take action with practical and informative advice from some of the most amazing “Late Starters” on the planet.

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