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Ep08 Transcript: Becoming an Athlete – Top Takeaways from Lin Bruce
Hi, late starters. It’s your host, Andrea Vahl. In today’s top takeaways, I’m gonna dive a little deeper into some of the points that Lin Bruce brought up about her 3000 mile bike ride at age 60.
Hello dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration, mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
If you haven’t yet tuned into Lin Bruce’s episode, I highly suggest you do that. It’s episode number seven, and it was amazing.
In the episode, she talks about how she had never ridden more than eight miles before she signed up for this 3000-mile bike ride at age 60, and what I loved about her take on this was that she signed up with a group of people who were all around her age and abilities. And definitely, if you are looking to do something big, you need to find a group that you will be able to work with that will keep you accountable. I know this has been a huge thing for me is I have trained with Camp Gladiator for years and now am competing in their competitions.
I would not be able to do that unless I had a group of people who kept me accountable, cheered me on, and helped me improve. So the big takeaway I would say from Lin’s episode is to find a group, find a tribe that you can work with if you’re looking to start a new healthy endeavor, start a new exercise or something like that.
I definitely find that saying to be true. If you wanna go faster, go alone. If you wanna go farther, go with a group. And Lin’s 3000-mile bike ride was definitely farther.
The other thing I love from Lin’s episode. Her talking about how people thought she was some super athlete and that wasn’t true. And I think sometimes we do that to ourselves as well.
We aren’t identifying as the thing we want to become and she signed up knowing she wasn’t a super athlete yet, she signed up anyway and was able to do it, which is a huge accomplishment. If you’ve ever heard of Todd Herman’s the Alter Ego Effect, this is a great book that will help you shatter some perceptions around yourself and become the person you would like to be.
Todd started out coaching athletes on top performance, but he applied this to other things as well, business egos, or maybe you’re looking to make more sales and you don’t identify as a top sales producer. The Alter Ego Effect will help you think of the way you show up in those situations in a different way and allow you to perform at your best.
Another book I love is by James Clear called Atomic Habits. So if you’re looking to set a new healthy habit or do something different in your life, this is a great way to make tiny, small changes in your mental outlook so that you can create those new habits. So just a few top takeaways from Lin’s episode.
Definitely feel free to leave me a comment if you’ve started a new healthy habit, a new competitive endeavor or whatever it is. I’d love to hear your story as well. All right, Dreamers, talk to you again soon.
Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide, Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at and let’s turn dreaming into doing.
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