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Late Starters Club Podcast
Late Starters Club Podcast

This is the place for inspiration, motivation, and mindset resets. You will walk away ready to take action with practical and informative advice from some of the most amazing “Late Starters” on the planet.


Ep120 Transcript: Bringing a Message to Millions – Top Takeaways from Mary Barbera

July 5, 2023

Andrea Vahl: How do you bring your message to millions? In episode 119, I talked to Dr. Mary Barbera, whose mission is to turn autism around for millions of children and parents around the world. She started by publishing a book at age 40 and has grown that into podcasting, videos, international speaking, courses, and more.

Tune in to my top takeaways from our interview.

Hello Dreamers. Welcome to the Late Starters Club, giving you the inspiration mindset and tools you need to start something midlife and beyond. Remember, it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

First a word from our sponsor. Me!

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And now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Dr. Mary Barbera is amazing. She sort of fell into the autism world when her oldest son was diagnosed with autism at a young age. She had been a nurse and hadn’t really thought of becoming an autism expert. But her passion and her guiding light for turning autism around has really changed the way she has evolved her career and she has really become an advocate for children around the world, and that is what really drives her. She is so focused on getting this message out that nothing will stop her. She is constantly thinking of new ideas, thinking of new ways to reach people and get her message across. She has got a powerful, strong mission, and I love it.

But what I love most is the way she has approached it. She has really come at it from a marketing standpoint. It’s not just about writing scholarly articles or being a professor or something like that. She’s really come at it from a marketer’s viewpoint and decided how she was going to get this message out through things like podcasting, videos, books, courses, and really tried to make this content as engaging and consumable as possible so that it also gets shared.

She does big launches every year like really trying to get people into her programs. She’s got her programs priced affordably so that people can come in and consume that content. And what she’s done over the years is really study marketing. She studies marketing like, no one I know. She has read so many books.

She has taken courses and consumed them. I think that’s really important. She mentioned in the podcast how she had taken courses from Jeff Walker, Brendan Burchard, Amy Porterfield, some of the other big marketing names that you might recognize, and she has really implemented their tactics and she’s developed different ways to engage people. She’s created videos. She’s on TikTok, she’s on YouTube, she’s on Instagram, and she’s really coming up with systems in order to create all this content because if you are a marketer, creating content can take a long time. But what she does is she batches her work.

She shoots all her videos in one day, changes her outfits, and then has a whole streamlined system to help get those videos out into the world.

So she’s developed a great mix of free content and paid content so that she can continue running her business and getting her message out there. And one of the things I want to stress is that she has accomplished so much, but she didn’t do it all at once. She started slowly and let her curiosity guide her.

She heard about the certification, the board certified behavior analyst, and decided she wanted move towards that. She decided she wanted to move towards becoming a doctor and getting her PhD. She decided that she wanted to publish another book.

She decided that she wanted to create a podcast and she has added these things in a slow manner and they’ve all added up into this giant body of work that is just so impressive.

And when I asked her how she’s done it, her answer immediately was to get help. And I think that is such a great lesson. She got help at home with an au pair. She got help with her business through these courses, through hiring coaches, through hiring people to work with her. And she has really managed her growth very strategically.

So if you haven’t had a chance to go listen to the interview yet, I highly recommend it. It was great. I always learn something when I talk to Mary, so give it a listen and think about how you can bring your message to millions too.

Hope that was helpful, and make sure you grab the free guide Top Tools for Late Starters on the website at and let’s turn dreaming into doing.

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Late Starters Club Podcast

This is the place for inspiration, motivation, and mindset resets. You will walk away ready to take action with practical and informative advice from some of the most amazing “Late Starters” on the planet.

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